Bristol Instruments

Wavelength Meter and Spectrum Analyzer

Bristol Instruments offers a large variety of optical interferometer-based products for wavelength measurements and laser spectral characterization. Spectrum analyzer, wavelength meter and linewidth analyzer for the entire range from the visible light to the mid infrared are rapidly available. Bristol Instruments offers the right solution for pulsed and CW-lasers, as well as for WDM lasers and systems. - MGOS is the exclusive partner for BRISTOL in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Wavemeter - Laser Wavelength Meter

BRI-671 Series                   Wavelength Meter

  •      wavelength range / type                                         optical input fiber coupled:
    • 375 – 1100 nm    871A/B-VIS
    • 520 – 1700 nm    871A/B-NIR
    • 1000 – 2600 nm   871A/B-NIR                      optical input free space:
    • 1,0 - 5,0 µm        871A/B-IR
    • 1,5 - 12 µm         871A/B-MIR
  • for cw- and quasi-cw-operation (>10 MHz)
  • absolute accuracy:
    • ±0,2 ppm* (for type 671A)
    • ±0,75 ppm* (for type 671B)
      • 1 ppm* (for type 671B-MIR)
  • continous calibration due to built-in stabilized single-frequency HeNe laser
The 671-series was developed to measure the wavelengthof CW-lasers with highest accuracy. This system uses aproven Michelson interferometer-based design with a built-in wavelengthstandard to guarantees reliable accuracy which is required for the most meaningful experimental results.
Optical Laser wavelength / wavemeter BRI-671
BRISTOL 671 wavelength meter

ppm*: "parts per million", d.h. eine Genauigkeit von z.B. 0,2 ppm entspricht

  • @ 1000 nm -> 0,0002 nm bzw. 0,2 pm
  • @ 500 nm -> 0,0001 nm bzw. 0,1 pm
  • @ 600 THZ -> 120 GHz
Spezifikationen für die Wellenlängenmessgeräte BRI-671
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Features BRI-671
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BRI-871 Series                   Wavelength Meter                  for pulsed and CW-Laser

  •       wavelength range   / type:    
    •  375 – 1100 nm     871A/B-VIS
    •  650 – 1700 nm     871A/B-NIR
    • 1000 - 2500 nm     871B-NIR2
  • for pulsed and cw laser
  • measurement frequenz:  1 kHz
  • absolute accuracy:
    • ±0,2 ppm* (for type 871A)
    • ±0,75 ppm* (for type 871B)
  • reproducability (for type 871A):
    • ±0,0075 ppm* (type 871A)
    • ±0,1 ppm*  (type 871B)
  • internal calibration automatic with built in wavelength standard

  • update rate:  4 Hz / (Typ A);  2,5 Hz (Typ B)
Optical wavelength meter / wavemeter 871 for pulsed and cw laser
BRISTOL wavemeter 871 (gepulst und cw)

The 871 Wavelength Meter is the best way to measure the absolute wavelength of both pulsed and CW lasers. It combines proven Fizeau etalon technology with automatic calibration. What’s more, a sustained measurement rate of 1 kHz enables the wavelength characterization of every single pulse for most lasers

Specifications Sheet BRI-871
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Features BRI-871
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.7 MB

Optical Laser Spectrum Analyzer - (OSA)

BRI-771 Series                        Laser Spectrum Analyzer

  • (optional) fiber coupler for IR/MIR devices
  • continuous calibration with built-in stabilized single-frequency HeNe laser
  • accuracy: ±0.2 ppm (± 0.0002 nm @ 1000 nm)
  • pulsed, CW and quasi CW (>10MHz)
  • wavelength range: 375 nm – 14µm
  • combined wavelength meter and spectrum analyzer

The Spectrum Anaylzer from Bristol Instruments

measures both, the wavelength and the emission spectrum including the side-mode suppression ratio. With spectral resolution up to 2 GHz, wavelength accuracy as high as ± 0.2 parts per million, and an optical rejection ratio of more than 40 dB, the model 771 provides the most detailed information about a laser’s spectral properties.

Specifications Sheet
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Adobe Acrobat Dokument 7.3 MB

Bri-WDM-Wavelength meter

  • wavelength range: 700 – 1680 nm
  • CW and modulated signals
  • Continuous calibration with built-in stabilized single-frequency HeNe laser
  • measurement rate: up to 1 kHz
  • Sensitivity: <-40dB (0.1 µW)

Bristol Instruments provides a family of optical

wavelength meters and multi-wavelength meters designed specifically for the testing of WDM lasers and WDM systems. Absolute laser wavelength is measured to an accuracy as high as ± 0.3 pm with a measurement rate as high as 1 kHz.

Wavelength measurement accuracy is guaranteed by continuous calibration with a built-in wavelength  standard and is traceable to NIST standards.


Specifications Sheet
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Specifications Sheet
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 98.7 KB
Specifications Sheet
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Specifications Sheet
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 92.6 KB
Bristol WDM overview
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OSA for Telecom Application

optimized wavemeter and spectrum analyzers for telco

Bri-WDM-Wavelength meter


The WDM-Wavemeter and WDM-OSA are specially designed for the characterization of WDM lasers, WDM systems and WDM components and were specially developed for the requirements of the telecommunications industry.


BRISTOL WDM wavemeter und OSA - Übersicht
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 221.6 KB
  • Range:   1270-1680 nm, 1000-1680 nm and 700-1650 nm
  • For cw- and modulated Laser
  • Permanent Calibration with built-in stabilized HeNe
  • Sampling rate: up to 1kHz
  • Sensitivity: up to -40dB (0.1µW)


optical wavmeter for WDM and laser application
BRI-338 single optical wavelength meter
Data sheet BRI-338
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 90.1 KB
Data sheet BRI-428
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 99.7 KB
Data sheet BRI-438
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 92.9 KB
Datenblat BRI-828
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 94.1 KB
Data sheet BRI-228
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 89.5 KB