Wir freuen uns, die Markteinführung des neuen RUBRIComb™ und RUBRIColor™ von Vescent ankündigen zu können - ein robuster, optischer Frequenzkamm mit geringem SWaP und Wellenlängenerweiterungen von 490 bis 2000 nm mit beispielloser Zuverlässigkeit, die Lösungen für den Einsatz vor Ort ermöglichen, einschließlich Atomuhren und Zeitübertragung, Quantencomputing und Doppelkamm-Spektroskopie.

RUBRIComb™ & RUBRIColor™
With low-noise, turnkey operation, Vescent’s commercially available RUBRIComb can be up and running within 30 minutes. It is environmentally robust, having passed demanding shake, vibration, and thermal tests. RUBRIComb sustains femtosecond-level stability, remaining locked for months with precise control. Our unique, proprietary approach reduces the system size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C) to best enable deployed solutions. The RUBRIComb ensures stable, low-phase-noise operation.
The entire laser, including self and external referencing modules, is contained in a single 2U 19” rack mount chassis. The laser mode-locks at startup every time and is specially designed for a robust, long life. Vescent’s unique oscillator design also makes it easy to precisely factory-match the repetition rate of several RUBRIComb combs for multi-comb spectroscopy solutions.
The companion RUBRIColor extends the RUBRIComb platform wavelength coverage from 490 to 2000 nm. RUBRIColor’s modular design and compact footprint make it adaptable and scalable to any quantum system, delivering high performance in small rack space.
The design and performance will be highlighted at the upcoming SPIE Photonics West and Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) conferences in January 2025. For additional technical information, download our RUBRIComb datasheet.